Nature’s General Strike

We are all flooded with countless articles and essays to read these days about the Covid-19. I start to write this somewhat reluctantly, because what really can I say that is so different than the millions of words already coursing through the internet? But I’m a blogger, albeit a pretty infrequent one, and […]

History, Natural and Other

John Ross, longtime correspondent from Mexico, even a longer time activist and radical from San Francisco, was honored with a “John Ross Day” declaration on May 12, which also happened to be the 25th anniversary of the End of the World’s Fair! Here’s John reading his refusal to honored by a city that has become […]

Spring Delight: Critical Mass March 09

Last night was a huge ride here in San Francisco, maybe 2500 or 3000 riders! The weather was ideal, warm and sunny, and daylight savings time made for a long evening. Whoever got out in front did a majestic job of turning and twisting around downtown for a good hour or so, stopping regularly, which […]