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History… We’re Soaking in It!

Visiting the Pacific Ocean in late August, an easy bike ride from home…

Last December I wrote a bit about my discovering more deep history around the Pacific. I neglected to mention then my pal Tina’s remarkable atlas Sea Change: An Atlas of Islands in a Rising Ocean. In it she makes her […]

War Is the Air We Breathe

I’m sitting in an old 1830s farmhouse near the border between New Hampshire and Massachusetts. It’s over 90° and quite humid, as it has been since I arrived five days ago. It seems the heat wave will only intensify in the next days. I spent a lot of time here in the 1980s and early […]

Silicon Valley: A Living History

Googlers Against Genocide, several dozen of whom were fired recently after some inspiring protests mounted in and against their venal employer.

Malcolm Harris’s remarkable book, Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism and the World, is not only one of the best histories of California anyone has written, he’s also a fantastic writer. […]