Recent Posts

The Tortoise vs. the Gangster

The other night I went to the SF Art Institute to speak to a class on “The Contested City.” The students had been given Nowtopia to read and a bunch of intelligent questions were prepared. The 3-hour class was given over to “grilling” me in a friendly but pointed way, which I really […]

Ruins and stuff

It’s all falling down! Like a lot of radicals over the past 30+ years (or is that 130+ years?), I’ve always harbored this deep certainty that the self-perpetuating madness called the capitalist economy would just someday implode… and suddenly, voila! It is!… There’s a lot of lost wealth, already in the trillions, and if some […]

In a New Saddle

So it’s almost done! In fact, both big digital efforts are almost done… this blog got moved, thanks to Cathy at Pajamadon (link at bottom for a bit), who did all the dirty work and helped me get up and running. The Shaping SF wiki is getting there too, a much more daunting project… I’m […]