Upcoming public appearances

I don’t do this too often, but I do get asked semi-regularly to please announce my public appearances in time for folks to know about it… so, here are the next few.

Friday, February 2, UC Berkeley, Wurster Hall, 2 p.m.:
Remodeling Design Activism Conference

I’ll be speaking about Critical Mass, its history and ongoing life, its relationship to urban design and reinhabiting city life, purloining my old title “Bicycling Over the Rainbow: Redesigning Cities and Beyond”

Tuesday, February 13, 7:30 pm
Whatever Happened to the 8-Hour Day? A History of the San Francisco Labor Movement
UCSF Laurel Heights Campus, Laurel Heights Auditorium
3333 California Street at Walnut, one block west of Presidio Avenue
This will be an hour and a half tour through Shaping San Francisco’s labor history section with yours truly doing my usual endlessly tangential ruminations.

Wednesday, February 14, 8 p.m. at CounterPULSE (1310 Mission at 9th)
Land Grabs

San Francisco’s entire history is based on land grabs, within its own borders and far beyond. Sketching this history to the present, we will also look at counter-efforts to grab land and to create open and cooperative spaces in an ever more commercially tyrannized society. (Chris Carlsson, Erick Lyle, James Tracy)

Saturday, February 18, 12-4 p.m., meet at CounterPULSE
Bicycle History Tour: Dissent
Riots, demonstrations, manifestos, artistic and literary movements, and much more is rediscovered during our easy-pace but several mile-long bike ride around the city. No serious hill climbing. Bring water and a snack. ($15-50 sliding scale donation requested to benefit CounterPULSE and Shaping San Francisco, but it’s flexible).

3 comments to Upcoming public appearances

  • Hilary Winslow

    a propos of uncle miltie’s demise and not speaking ill of the dead
    I heard it this way: speak only good of the dead.

    “He’s dead. Good.”

  • Biker-X

    Even the most “progressive” minds are getting sucked back into the black hole of believing we live in a democracy:


  • Adrian Hands

    Thanks Chris,
    Hey, could you do me a favor? That grey text is really hard to read. Could you change your site style sheet to change the “color: #666666;” to “color: black;”, particularly in the “.content p” (right column text) section.

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