Mad Marchness

A billion thanks to too many people to name for sharing the most amazing ascent to the half-century mark that I could possibly imagine! Starting a few days before my actual birthday and going right up to today and continuing through this weekend and into next, I’m having a blast! So many lovely friends, so many sweet connections, so much love! I thank you all! and again! And Again!….

Just got the wonderful news that my daughter has been accepted to CUNY Grad School! yeehah! Way to go Francesca! You are the rockin’est! and now I’ll have a regular reason to visit NYC for the next few years… how cool is that? My parents and Caitlin popped for a ticket to fly her home for my birthday–the sweetest gift of all! Here we are on the actual morning, bleary but ready for a hearty breakfast…

And here I am as close as I can imagine to a state of sustained ecstasy at the party:

Anyway, after spending the day yesterday going to Sacto to see 1st round basketball, I am up against a lot of time pressure to finish a lot of things… so gotta go… but come and see me tomorrow at the Anarchist Book Fair at the Hall of Flowers in GG Park… We have a table, and I’m speaking at 12:30… also bike tour next Saturday from CounterPULSE, 12-4, on Ecological History…

1 comment to Mad Marchness

  • happy birthday again chris! and congrats to francesca! that is so exciting!!!… come to think of it, my friend bekah goes to CUNY and is giving up her great brooklyn apartment in may to move west when she graduates. let me know if i can fwd anything along to rockstar francesca!

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