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Practicing Anarchy While the State Fiddles

From Hong Kong

It’s April 12 and we’re still under shelter-in-place orders which were extended to May 3. They may likely be extended to June, who knows? We don’t really get a chance to participate in these decisions, they just mysteriously come from “the authorities.” Do we trust them? Who are they exactly? How […]

Nature’s General Strike

We are all flooded with countless articles and essays to read these days about the Covid-19. I start to write this somewhat reluctantly, because what really can I say that is so different than the millions of words already coursing through the internet? But I’m a blogger, albeit a pretty infrequent one, and […]

Voting as Harm Reduction

Call white voters bigots or don’t. But in good times and in bad, in peacetime and in war, in sunshine or in shadow, white America votes for those candidates it believes are most likely to keep people of color “in their place”—either outside the country altogether, or in the most servile and subordinate […]