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History is Changing; We’re Changing History!

View south from Alameda shore early November…

Firstly, I’m feeling fine (thanks for asking!). I just started a round of prophylactic immunotherapy infusions to be sure we have killed off all the microscopic cancer cells that may be floating around in me… but the cancer-free diagnosis I got after my October 14 surgery has […]

Life and Death … Continues!

September 9, 2020, 11:30 a.m. corner of 24th and Folsom, “Red Sky Day”

… [Capitalism] only exists because every day we wake up and continue to produce it. If we woke up one morning and all collectively decided to produce something else, then we wouldn’t have capitalism anymore. This is the ultimate revolutionary question: […]

The State Won’t Save Us: Dis-eased Imaginations and Traumatized Hope

Here in the throes of Fogust, but it’s been quite foggy all summer (thank goodness!) The pink triangle on Twin Peaks for Gay Freedom was lit up by LED lights for the first time this year.

It seems like a year has gone by since I last blogged in May. (I spent a […]