Cardiff, Wales, a city killing itself?

I was at Cardiff and had a lovely time at the Nutopia Conference. I spoke in the morning yesterday as part of a 1.5 hour panel with Mike Hallett, Development Director of Igloo Regeneration, a straight up “green” real estate developer (mega-millions), and Steve Garrett, a very sweet guy who is the main organizer […]

Premonitory Depression Blues

Spending a few days in New Orleans, and liking it a lot. Can’t say I know the place, since we’re mostly hanging around the touristic areas. Didn’t try to connect with any locals before coming, though I did read Billy Sothern’s interesting Katrina and post-hurricane account “Down in New Orleans: Reflections from a Drowned City“. […]

For the Love of Rain

We had some awesome torrential rains over the past few days, initiating the new roof on our building (it seems to have done its job!). After my trip through the Amazon and its equatorial rains, then the stormy weather I had in LA, it seems only fair that I’d come home to heavy winter storms […]