One Trap or Another

The Pigeon Palace, 2840-2848 Folsom in San Francisco, with a lively demo during the final open house on May 6, 2015.

As you can see from the previous entry, we are up against it here at the Pigeon Palace, my home since 2004. In fact, the tidal wave of speculation and displacement crashing […]

Pigeon Palace, My Home, but for how long?

Hi friends, neighbors, readers, My home of almost 12 years in the Mission has been put on the market. The sellers seem intent on getting to an auction where the richest bidder will get our building. This in spite of the fact that we have organized ourselves into a nonprofit ready to assume control […]


exemption or immunity from punishment or recrimination exemption or immunity from unpleasant consequences

Connecting the dots between police violence, gentrification and dramatic housing price inflation, and the new Gilded Age’s kleptocratic elite…

The four police who murdered Alex Nieto on March 21, 2014 were finally named earlier this year after months of […]