Spring Delight: Critical Mass March 09

Last night was a huge ride here in San Francisco, maybe 2500 or 3000 riders! The weather was ideal, warm and sunny, and daylight savings time made for a long evening. Whoever got out in front did a majestic job of turning and twisting around downtown for a good hour or so, stopping regularly, which […]

Into the 53rd…

I’ve been absent since returning from New Orleans… I had a spate of darkness descend on me for a few days, but at the same time super busy with multiple threads… One thing I should announce up front here is that I’m blogging 3x/month over at sf.streetsblog.org and you can track MY contributions (presuming you […]

Premonitory Depression Blues

Spending a few days in New Orleans, and liking it a lot. Can’t say I know the place, since we’re mostly hanging around the touristic areas. Didn’t try to connect with any locals before coming, though I did read Billy Sothern’s interesting Katrina and post-hurricane account “Down in New Orleans: Reflections from a Drowned City“. […]