Recent Posts

Brittle Clarity

Unusually cold weather hereabouts, but with the cold comes an incredible brittle clarity, as though you could crack the air with a smack of your hand. It’s nothing compared to real cold elsewhere (we’re barely hovering around freezing), but it’s shocking for we weather wimps of San Francisco. I’ve been making my usual sojourns to […]


I’m putting this topic under ‘technology?’ because I like the way the category blends ‘naturally’ into the rest of the living world. The adapative capabilities of living species are abundantly evident in countless areas, but few are as glorious and weird and fascinating as mushrooms. I went ‘shrooming last weekend in Salt Point State Park […]

Hamlet in the Hamlet

My last entry from Blue Mountain Center… we are all scrambling to finish whatever we set out to do (I think I will have a full first draft by the time I’m leaving on Sunday! yeehah!)… and laundry, and last chances to see each other’s work, etc. Tomorrow night we’re going to be treated to […]