Watch out for that swinging pendulum!

A lot of friends have been noting the old pendulum metaphor lately, and it does feel like something’s up, a new energy, a re-energized boldness, a growing confidence that we can move things in a different direction… of course it’s also true that most of what we can think of doing isn’t particularly dangerous to […]

Mad Marchness

A billion thanks to too many people to name for sharing the most amazing ascent to the half-century mark that I could possibly imagine! Starting a few days before my actual birthday and going right up to today and continuing through this weekend and into next, I’m having a blast! So many lovely friends, so […]

Upcoming public appearances

I don’t do this too often, but I do get asked semi-regularly to please announce my public appearances in time for folks to know about it… so, here are the next few.

Friday, February 2, UC Berkeley, Wurster Hall, 2 p.m.: Remodeling Design Activism Conference I’ll be speaking about Critical Mass, its history and ongoing […]