We Can’t Wait

I’m deep into writing my new novel, and so not paying much attention to my blog… But here’s a short essay I wrote as an introduction to a pamphlet being published in Porto Alegre, Brazil, by Monstro dos Mares. It’s based on an impromptu speech I gave in a park called Rendencão at the end […]

The Bicycling Commons

Just after finishing the delivery of my Talk in Spanish, following Olatunji Oboi Reed of Equiticity, who opened…

I had a great time in Lima, Peru at the 7th annual World Bike Forum (Forum Mundial de Bicicleta #FMB7). It’s nothing like VeloCity or any bicycle industry conference, though apparently it does have something […]

Lo Común Público Bicicletero

Masa Crítica en Lima, el domingo final de la #FMB7

Aqui is mi discurso de la Charla Magistral del domingo, el 25 de febrero a la Forum Mundial de Bicicleta en Lima, Peru.

Lo Común Público Bicicletero

Lo Común Público Bicicletero es un concepto curioso. En general, cuando hablamos de ‘lo público común’, […]