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Transparency as Subversion: Open Source Feelings

I went to a belated New Years gathering last night with many good friends. We spent the first couple of hours going around and taking a few minutes each to speak about the past year and our thoughts about the year ahead. Kind of normal sounding, even routine perhaps, but actually it wasn’t at all.

We were a subset of a larger Bay Area community. What holds us together as a community is what many of us experience with each other as an exhilarating emotional honesty. So we went around talking about the shocks and bruises and sad disappointments of the past year, leaving me rubbed quite raw (in the additional light of the recent abrupt end of my relationship). But as the focal point passed from person to person, there was an unmistakeable spirit growing among us, a comfort and appreciation and even excitement that seemed counterintuitive to the predominant expressions of pain and confusion.

I realized that in sharing our sense of purpose, our life situations, our hopes and dreams and definitions of life ahead, we were doing more than narcissistically gazing inward (though, to be sure, there’s some of that going on too). Because we were sharing these dark feelings, these brooding uncertainties and fears, we were socializing our personal experiences in a crucial way. This society drives us apart, isolates us and hides our common experience behind walls of separation, usually walls that we reproduce everyday without even thinking about it. Shamed by our fears, guilt-stricken about our desires, humiliated by our inability to overcome our weaknesses, we tend to hold it in, to experience it as a personal flaw, individual failure. Just speaking it aloud among friends can be excruciatingly difficult.

And yet, the act of public declaration can be (and mostly was, last night) a subversive embrace of real community. “Subversive” to the commoditized, fetishized, hyper-individualized world that’s been built around us, and that we all too often reproduce without thinking. In this way, it echoes the concept of ‘open source’, a making transparent. When we open our hearts to friends and share our deeper feelings we create the possibility of building on each other’s hard work, rather than each of us making the same mistakes, feeling the same hoplessness in isolation, etc. (That’s not to say we won’t still go down similar roads and crash into similar dead-ends… sometimes nothing can alter a trajectory, even a solid warning!).

But it’s a lesson about the vitality of transparency, about the fundamentally common and social origins of our personal predicaments, and that we will not reach perfection alone. In fact, we are better off abandoning such an unreachable goal in favor of the hard, rewarding work of meeting and hearing and loving each other in real communities.

That said, and I understand well that these previous words may sound terribly squishy and horribly vague, I feel we have to take our sense of community to another level. Practical issues surround us, and until now, we mostly don’t think about them: e.g. health care, child rearing, getting old, housing, food security. We’re still on our own (or maybe in a partnership with one other) in this dog-eat-dog society, but if our joy and appreciation in community is to go beyond the narcissistic self-satisfaction that it can so easily slip into, perhaps it will be in finding ways to autonomously meet our real needs in community rather than as individuals. Something to talk about as we go forward, whether you’re in this particular group or not…


After I posted that last entry, I had some second thoughts. About last March or so former UNSCOM weapons inspector Scott Ritter announced that a U.S. strike on Iran was already in the works and would happen in June. Ritter is usually pretty cagey and doesn’t go too far out on a limb, so it was easy to believe him. Obviously it didn’t happen, and that was giving me some second thoughts about crying wolf. But soon after I had those thoughts, up pops a whole ‘nother link, probably more credible to most skeptics, from the English language version of the German news magazine Der Spiegel.

Reddhedd at FireDogLake has a long post about King George and the rule of law today. It’s an eloquent, if inherently naive, defense of the U.S. system of government and law against the blatant disregard shown by the Bushistas, and the so far nearly complete abdication of duty by the other two branches of government, etc. I sometimes wish I could believe in the system the way the gals at FireDogLake (all former prosecuting attorneys) do. Then again, I don’t.

I think we’re in a fuzzy moment in history, and the notion that Cheney/Rumsfield would nuke Iran to further discombobulate the rest of the world, to make the ultimate macho gesture (because ‘gesture’ is how they imagine it, not mass murder of historic proportions), seems scarily easy to imagine to me. These people are palpably insane. The people around them are implicated and engaged in variations on the same theme of utter madness, all in the service of absolute power and wealth. They seem to have no sense of history at all, and very little sense of the ‘real world’ as it has developed over the past 200 years. The depth of their criminal venality is incomprehensible but nevertheless unmistakable. If we haven’t learned from the past five years that there’s basically nothing these madmen won’t do, we’re deluding ourselves.

Behind this I finished Philip Fradkin’s great account of the 1906 earthquake and fire. The book concludes with a reconsideration of the graft trials that followed the quake by a year or so, and dragged on until the early 1910s. Seems like such a long ago and probably irrelevant time, but actually the behavior the local oligarchy offers an eerily premonitory display of the behavior writ large by the Bushists. James Phelan and Rudolf Spreckels took the lead in grabbing political and financial control over the city in the wake of the devastation. The elected government, which had just been returned to office by an overwhelming electoral victory in 1905, was the Union Labor Party regime of Eugene Schmitz with his ‘fixer’ Abraham Ruef. The ULP won against the combined Republican-Democratic parties, plus the full weight of the entire oligarchic establishment AND nearly all the daily press. Obviously the “good people” of San Francisco were none too happy with the course of events, and only too happy to undo the popular will during the chaos of the post-disaster.

Historically, we’ve received the story about the graft prosecution and trials as being a necessary corrective to an avaricious and utterly corrupt local government. Fradkin puts it in context and shows how little evidence was finally brought to trial, and only one guy, Abe Ruef was successfully prosecuted and convicted–and that anti-Semitism played an important role in that outcome.

There are many revelatory aspects to Fradkin’s new account of this period, but the one that I found most remarkable was that the prosecutors investigating the sitting municipal government were privately employed by the same men (Phelan, Spreckels, etc.) who had grabbed control over the reconstruction monies pouring into the city, who were the same men who had been politically defeated by the same government. So public prosecutors and investigators paid by private monies, with the wind of a vitriolic press behind them (paid for by the same men again), brought charges to grand juries and indicted the mayor and the entire board of supervisors, and in so doing, gained total control over the city government.

The same James Phelan and his “progressive” allies were intensely racist against Chinese and Japanese immigrants; a racist hysteria swept the city post-quake that tried to permanently remove the Chinese population from Chinatown to Hunters’ Point (unsuccessfully) and fueled widespread violence and attacks against all Asians found on the streets (including world-renowned Japanese seismologists!). Phelan was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1920. His platform was openly anti-Japanese (“Save Our State from Oriental Aggression” proclaimed his campaign ad in 1920). Now his name is attached to the street in front of City College’s main campus! Aren’t we proud of our city fathers?!?

Anyway, it’s easy to decry the cabal running the U.S. government as an aberration, but if we look at history, disasters, public fears and mass media, it seems that we’re living through a chapter that is entirely in keeping with the ‘normal’ trajectory of U.S. (anti)civilization… Not likely to be altered by any wishful thinking by ahistorical liberals, nor upended by any of the usual kinds of political processes we tend to believe in (in spite of all evidence). Most likely it’ll come from the sensible reactions of peoples and states around the world who come together to put an end to the madness of King George–perhaps before it’s too late, but probably long after too many catastrophes to list have been set in motion… I even find myself wondering about a Denzel Washington-style coup, like that Hollywood movie I’m forgetting the title of where he and Annette Bening are trying to foil a terrorist attack in Manhattan and the twists and turns of the plot lead finally through several double-crosses to the martial law declaration of a gone-crazy general… until the day is saved by the hardworking NYPD dectective who busts the general for violating constitutional norms… hah! It’s only Hollywood!

Nuclear Attack on Iran?

Impossible? Insane? There are increasing signs of it. I don’t know what kinds of protest, traditional or otherwise, might be able to derail this if it’s really going to happen, but at least I thought I’d throw my two cents into trying to publicize the invisible machinations that might be taking us to nuclear war. I found two sources on this, one from Ken McLeod’s blog, the brilliant British science fiction writer, who has a long-ish post up today.

The other link came via email, and points to a multilingual site on the Iraq war. This second one argues the planned March opening of an Iranian oil exchange based on euros is the ultimate threat that forces the U.S. to attack, in order to defend the increasingly flimsy dollar.

Just when you thought the new year was looking so promising, what with the collapse of the Delay-Abramoff corruption empire, the increasing delegitimization of the war criminal/kleptocracy, the melting glaciers and rising oceans… hey, maybe a little nookular war will put it all back together again! Happy New Year!

And be sure to come to the Spring Talks at CounterPULSE… our new series starting on January 18 with a presentation on the historic General Strikes in San Francisco (1934) and Oakland (1946), and then on January 25 Greg Gaar will do one of his amazing slide shows of pre-urban San Francisco. Much more to follow, twice monthly til June. Hope to see you there!