Recent Posts

Strange Loops

LaborFest is happening again, and it’s better than ever. Pretty ironic, given the amazing shift in San Francisco’s population… In a Chronicle article about the exodus of the “middle class” from San Francisco they printed these numbers:

From 2002 to 2006, the number of households making up to $49,000 per year dropped by 7.4 percent, […]

Fake Numbers and Real Limits

My blogging is lagging, and not because I’m gagging, or even lollygagging, just too much going on at once. My book rollout for Nowtopia was last Wednesday and I’m now in the flow of the my “tour” which leaves SF on April 28, but continues later tonight at SmackDab and next Thursday at Modern Times. […]

Nowtopia Rising?

I have about three blog entries piled up so I’ll just plunge in. First off, I read an article in the Jan./Feb. issue of Orion called “Send in the Clowns”… it’s a beautifully written piece and was eerily similar in certain respects to my forthcoming Nowtopia… in fact, I’m finding more and more writing out […]