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From Bicycling to a Broader Public Commons

Great fun to use stately old buildings for our World Bike Forum 6, #FMB6


From April 19-22 the annual World Bike Forum (this one was #6, hence the hashtag #FMB6) took place in Mexico City. I’ve become something of a fixture at these gatherings and happily so! I have made dozens of […]

Ciudades que echan la mano

photo by Felipe Besne Navarro

Felicitaciones a los organizadores del Sexto Foro Mundial de Bicicletas en la Ciudad de México. Fue una gran idea adoptar el tema de “Ciudades hechas a mano” debido a la hermosa manera en que abre nuestra investigación en asuntos que van mucho más allá del simple ciclismo. Provocado […]

Solicited and Rejected by the NY Times!

I was very surprised when about two weeks ago an editor of the op/ed pages of the New York Times sent me an email asking if I’d write an editorial. The topic was supposed to be how the anti-trade politics of both Sanders and Trump were wrong, and that I should endeavor to write something […]