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Halloween and Dia de los Muertos

Every year San Francisco goes increasingly bonkers over Halloween. A lot of us who have been living around here for a long time want to avoid the Castro and its frenzied insanity like the plague. But getting out in to the city and enjoying ourselves in costume is still a great desire. So Mona made […]

When Copyright is Wrong

An independent producer booked CounterPULSE at the end of October for a series of live performances of a version of the infamous musical episode of a long-defunct TV series called “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” The show has a surprisingly engaged cult-like following, and the fans eagerly spread the news of the upcoming performances, leading all […]

The Rush of History

San Francisco is always at its best in late September and early October. This year is no exception. While I’ve been riding up and down the hills and going about my daily life, history is rushing along, as it is wont to do. There are the big stories of the Iraq quagmire, the Plamegate scandal […]