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Commons and its Enemies

IBM’s latest slogan is “We can make a smarter world” or something idiotic like that”¦ here, again, in a dumb marketing campaign we immediately confront the basic problem. The world is an incredible intelligence already. We humans really don’t understand it well at all”¦ It might make sense for a corporation like IBM […]

History, Natural and Other

John Ross, longtime correspondent from Mexico, even a longer time activist and radical from San Francisco, was honored with a “John Ross Day” declaration on May 12, which also happened to be the 25th anniversary of the End of the World’s Fair! Here’s John reading his refusal to honored by a city that has become […]

Of Teamsters and Turtles, Plumbers and Progressives, a MayDay rumination

Ever since the much-promoted alliance between “teamsters and turtles” at the WTO protests in Seattle in 1999, there’s been a renewed hope that the decades-long opposition between organized labor and environmentalists might be resolvable. The original Teamsters and turtles weren’t really in much of an alliance in 1999, what with AFL-CIO leaders trying their best […]