Feb 05 Critical Mass and “Self-Management”

After some gray days Critical Mass rode last night. It was a fine ride, somewhere between 600-1000 people, depending on who you talk to. I had people tell me it was much larger than they expected, others the exact opposite. As always with San Francisco’s Critical Mass, expectations are all over the map. I got […]

Notes on a Mediocrity-Free Zone

The Last Poets performed Sunday night at The Punch Gallery. “If Only We Knew”¦ What We Could Do!” they sang, and so much more, “America is a Terrorist” and “Madness.” For such agile legends it’s remarkable to feel that they were merely the punch-line to a long night of stellar performances. As the scintillating MC […]


A title like that doesn’t usually get my interest, but by odd serendipity I was called by a publicist for Eric Martin’s new novel and asked to speak for 5 minutes before a couple of his upcoming bookstore gigs to introduce the historical context of his book. OK, I agreed without reading the book or […]