Recent Posts

Not a Dog Person

Dogs take over a favorite walking path.

(I wrote this piece for Streetsblog, but they turned it down, so I’m putting it here. I hope to resume a more regular blogging life here now that the latest book is at the publisher’s, and the other big project, Ecology Emerges, is starting this coming […]

Seeing the Elephant in Copenhagen: A Blind Man’s Account

December 12, 2009 march of 100,000 through Copenhagen demanding Climate Justice and “System Change, Not Climate Change!” Note the power plant chugging along in the distant background!

It was impossible to be everywhere and know everything going on in Copenhagen, and any account can’t help but miss large parts of the story. There […]

Segundo Congreso Nacional de Ciclismo Urbano, Guadalajara, Mexico, 18 Septiembre, 2009

Listening to my introduction from "Negro", Sept. 18, 2009.

¡Gracias por invitarme! Por anticipado, les pido disculpas por mi pobre español. Jamás he intentado hablar públicamente en español, por lo que ruego su indulgencia.

Estoy muy contento de estar en Guadalajara, misma ciudad que mi suegro me explicó, alguna vez fue llamada despectivamente […]