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Temporal and Geographic Edges

Sunset at Bodega Head, December 13, 2023.

That sounds a bit ambitious, maybe even pretentious. It’s about to be 2024. As I get older, the passing of years accelerates and I sometimes wish there were a way to slow it down a bit. I had a wonderful year celebrating Shaping San Francisco’s 25th […]

The Root of All Evil

Seen on the street in San Francisco!

Almost as consistently as the Christian insistence on an unspoiled Eden from which humans have “fallen” is the notion that evil is an independent force with a will of its own. Given that common belief, it follows that there is a centuries-long project to determine where […]

We Are Not Alone

I’ve been home for a week with my second bout of COVID. This one came creeping in with Adriana after she returned from a bonspiel (a weekend curling competition/party in Roseville) and after a few days we were both down for the count. Should be ok in another 2-3 days max. I haven’t been blogging […]