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Cause and Effect

Made it up to the top of the infamous Mt. Vesuvius, the same volcano that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum back in 79 A.D. Talk about your ultimate burps! Earth just lets it out and poof! In minutes amazing cities full of life, beauty, art, and so much more are buried in tons of ash and […]


Staying with Eddie and Laura in Pozzuoli, a town that’s a half hour northwest of Napoli, through tunnels by train or bus. On Friday we spent a lazy day wandering around, checking out the ubiquituous ruins that are everywhere here in this part of the world. First we got some food and had […]

Promenades, Tours, and urban walking

Obviously too busy to blog much lately. Heading to Europe in a few days for a conference on “Class Composition, Immaterial Labor and New Social Subjects,” followed by EuroMayDay in Milan, and more fun in Italy with good friends. A bit frenzied tying up loose ends before departing, and still have a reading tomorrow at […]