Floating, Waiting, Wondering

Old friends from the Committee for Full Enjoyment, drumming during last night's Dia de los Muertos in San Francisco. (see below)

Haven’t been blogging much lately… The election is dominating airspace, and though it’s not dominating the small space between my ears, I haven’t been able to focus on any good themes to […]

Practical Solutions!

Ha ha! I am going to post a good ol’ commie program, first floated by Loren Goldner on his “Break Their Haughty Power” website… but before I do I want to give you a link to a remarkable story that happened in Spain, where a guy borrowed from banks nearly a half million Euros (ostensibly […]

Ruins and stuff

It’s all falling down! Like a lot of radicals over the past 30+ years (or is that 130+ years?), I’ve always harbored this deep certainty that the self-perpetuating madness called the capitalist economy would just someday implode… and suddenly, voila! It is!… There’s a lot of lost wealth, already in the trillions, and if some […]