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Al Mare (To the Sea)! (Rome Critical Mass part three)

Sunday we all gathered at the Pyramid again, hot sun beating down at midday.

By 12:30 or so we started rolling, a straight 25 kilometers south to the beach. It was by far their largest beach ride yet, apx. 1200 riders, and it slowed us down a lot as the front stopped quite often […]

t-shirt gallery from Rome Critical Mass weekend

I ran around snapping shots of t-shirts, trying to grab the breadth of things bicycle that were representing. The first batch went up in the post on Critical Mass on May 30.

The black t-shirt referring to $100 barrel oil, a celebration because the party is over, was done by the […]

SNIA and Ciemmona (Rome Critical Mass part two)

Saturday, the “Big Critical Mass” (“Ciemmona” in Italian) began at Piazza San Giovanni in Laterno, where I’d coincidentally visited a couple of days earlier. We started our day by going over to the Ciclofficina “Don Quixote” at SNIA, a former chemical factory squatted and converted to a Social Center (Centro Sociale: Italian social centers are […]