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What Should the Left Propose?

While in Italy I read a new book from Brazilian political theorist Roberto Mangabeira Unger called What Should the Left Propose? I don’t tend to identify with the label “left” these days (and certainly not “right”!) but I’m still interested in what different thinkers are coming up with as they try to grapple with this […]

Politics Out of History

These times are dispiriting, and to pretend otherwise is delusional at best. That said, we are all still very much alive and as capable of changing the course of history as anyone who came before us. We face impediments, of course. I’m particularly interested these days in trying to dig into the ways we reproduce […]

Where Did Science Come From? Where is it Going?

Clifford Conner’s A People’s History of Science appears at a most useful moment. The ice sheets are melting, biodiversity is shrinking at an unprecedented rate, climate change is altering weather patterns and shorelines and might even shift our sense of the future itself. Pandemic disease is lurking in the vortex of urbanized humanity and industrialized […]